December 18, 2009
Closure part 3
December 16, 2009
Local kine grinds
December 15, 2009
Closure part 2

To CYA my surgeon paid for:
- A root canal which could not recover the tooth
- I then had another extraction
- A bone graft of someone else's bone shards and
- Another bone graft of someone else's bone shards
- An implant
- An uncovering
- A failed molding during which the implant was pushed up into my sinus
- A surgery to remove the implant impacted in my sinus.

December 5, 2009
Closure part 1
December 2, 2009
I took a break to go home and put on socks and shoes to cover up my pedicured toesies from the mocking eyes of middle schoolers.
November 11, 2009
Google contact
- a phone call from them when signing up for Google Apps for Your Domain
- postcard for registering a business on Google Maps
- text message for signing up for Voice
- They even mailed me stickers
November 10, 2009
Headphone cable
November 8, 2009

November 3, 2009
Tsunami drill

October 31, 2009
Every Day Carry
I was a Scout once. At the time I didn't understand the need to always be prepared because everything was always provided for me. As an adult I have the pleasure of providing for myself and I like to come prepared. A recent post on Reddit motivated me to make a list of my EDC items.
Every day carry means I always have a Leatherperson Micra & Maglite Solitaire on the key chain. This solves the majority of problems I run into.
In my backpack I carry:
- a makeup bag full of screw drivers
- ace wrap, adhesive medical strips and Neosporin
- Leatherperson Core
- notepad
- 3 pens, 1 sharpie
- Aspire One
- snacks
- Swiss army knife
- water bottle
- 4GB USB drive
- full 1st aid kit
- change of clothes
- swim suit and snorkel gear
- Maglite Mini LED
- D40x
There're lots of resources for Every Day Carry items on EDCForums and EDCItems
Some people enjoy the serendipity of life and just roll with whatever happens and don't like faking control by carrying all this gear with them. I had a discussion once about whether the burden of always carrying everything was too high. In my mind it's not, I enjoy being prepared and I enjoy solving problems. To me the world is a playground, a workshop, and while it's not broken; I certainly enjoy fixing it.
What do you carry everyday?
October 28, 2009
Lord of the Flies

October 26, 2009
October 22, 2009
Forester is credit to team
- I just had it detailed. Mind you I don't pay for this, it's a work exchange for computer repair
- I bought new floor mats with red dragons. They look completely rediculous.
- Applied Rain X to all windows and exterior mirrors
- Bought a CD folder for the visor.
- Registered an account on and found a way to disabled the seatbelt alarm firing more than once.
- Removed the license plate covers, so now I only advertise for Subaru and not the dealer. Currently looking for awesome replacements.
October 13, 2009
September 26, 2009
Chip off the old block
Introvert, thy name is extrovert.
- Along with K, the most truant member of our church; having not missed a day since I've been back.
- A member of a scrabble club that meets every Friday at the mall
- The founder of a small but successful 2600 meeting the 1st Friday of every month
- I go to meetings and walk on Thursdays.
- I have friends outside of work and home.
- I'm getting much closer to finishing my archery target, then I'll be an archer again.
August 25, 2009

August 2, 2009
Because of Math
July 30, 2009
June 20, 2009
People that are really good at what they doing
June 17, 2009
Ice / Straw
June 15, 2009
June 7, 2009
My usual approach to school outings is to do whatever the kids do, eat the same food, do the same activities and get just as dirty. This being no exception I opted to walk down the valley with the kids, on a road that is 4wd only for a good reason. So steep that it was often difficult to stop once the momentum had its hold. It's two days later and I'm still sore, I have trouble standing up and sitting down or standing still. It's that bad. It's a beautiful way to spend a Thursday: removing invasive species in a beautiful valley that the Ali'i of old used to live in.
The valley is called Waipi'o because it's a microcosm of the water cycle.
Wai - waterAs you can see it's absolutey beautiful. It's a lush tropical rain forest teaming with life.
pi'o - arch or curve.
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Tell Us Is Possible
May 16, 2009
May 15, 2009
Work will set you free
I had a conversation with my brother once about work. He said he liked his work so much, he would go in early and stay late, work weekends, 12 hour days etc. I told him I could never understand that, liking work. At the time I think I was in highschool and my jobs consisted of mowing lawns, digging holes and data entry, so it's easy to understand why I felt that way. What I didn't understand was that it's not just the work that is part of the job. It's the other people, it's the impact, it's the environment.
I've been through a few more jobs since then, most of them had good sides and also bad: cheap/free food, the access to corporate software, the wiring skills I was learned, the cute girl at the lunch counter, the money I was making or the ease of the workload (I started this blog at work).
None of them fulfilled me. I never went to sleep happy and content, usually instead just out of exhaustion or sometimes with the arresting feeling that I'd be stuck doing this job for a very long time.
Now I work at a charter school, 50 students in the High, 25 in the Middle. It's amazing. Kids are like a drug. Being around youth, creativity and the pure joy that kids can have is intoxicating. I have a boss who trusts me and the decisions I make. She fights to make sure I continue to have a job next school year. I have friends that I go the extra mile for and they do the same for me. The people I work with are passionate, caring and willing to try new things. They are fluid. They have a great sense of humor.
Twice a week the middle school has kane (boy) / wahine (girl) day where they take each gender out for a field trip, project or focus group, the other gender stays behind at school. So twice a week I get to see what it's like for them to be alone.
You know who I love most? Middle school girls.
Lulz. No really:
When you put 13 year old boys together they fight, they spit and hit each other. Insults fly out as quickly as the laughing, they're loud. The little boys submit behind the bigger ones. They spend their time trying to look up scantily clad women on Internet and they break things. They're all the bad parts of humans--the aggressive and selfish and destructive energies fueled by the inhibitions of youth; they're assholes.
Putting girls alone means giggling, hula dancing and hair braiding. They look up lol cats on Internet. They're quiet and they help each other. They embody the good forces in the world.
There are, of course, exceptions. There are definitely some laid back and gentle boys and there are some bitchy girls. Most of the time I prefer them mixed. They're a wonderful group that has made my life here several orders of magnitude better.
Now something is different. A place that values me, where I actually make an impact that's not just based on profit. Some days I leave school in a fantastic mood. I roll all the windows down and praise the planet. It's a funny feeling to drive away from work and look forward to going back.
May 4, 2009
April 13, 2009
Passage of time.
This past weekend we rearranged our network used the last of my 1,000' of cat5 cable running wire for the HTPC.
March 22, 2009
Woke up late again. My tent group was already on their way to the beach which is awesome. We chanted E Ale E* to chant out the sun which generously and magnanimously demonstrated its beauty.
This was prefaced by Auntie Ana encouraging us to observe our surroundings and how the morning can dictate how the day will play out. While her intentions were good and even some of the questions she asked were relevant and purposed, but I felt some of them did not point to any useful knowledge if answered; they were tedium. I don't remember the specifics but I remember feeling frustrated.
After a fantastic meat filled breakfast we went to Lo'i. I'm still unsure if this is an event, a verb, a location or a plant. But it involved removing invasive species so that less invasive species (Ulu) could grow. Ulu gets a fee pass in the hearts and minds here. This process was messy, I ruined brand new shoes, but I don't mind. It was well worth it; mud up to my knees working int he 'aina with our class. Giving them a chance to get dirty, use their energy and be kids. I took tonnes of pictures.
In the afternoon we went to the fish ponds. The event was soured for me by the guide mentioning "plants" after "we are working hard to remove all invasive species," referring to haoles.
My brain replied with "Hawaiians are not a different species" & "I'm not invasive." It also knows it's the same Hawaiians that were around to accept the invasive species originally, probably as a business venture or to solve some problem. No matter what, blaming me is not fair.
My heart hates it. It's unfair to expect that everything is not brown skinned is to blame. I think my sense of fairness is acute, so I will just leave the rest to "I did not like that part."
*E ala E chants in the sun, (La in Hawaiian). It helps focus the day with our group and recognize our surroundings as the paradise it is, not just a world of ipods, computers and pop music. It's about the day, the weather, clouds.
I took just shy of 1,000 pictures, 200 of which are good and usable.
March 6, 2009
productivity 2
- Changed the headlamp in my moped
- Encrypted the drive in my laptop. This way when it gets stolen they'll only get the hardware, not the data. Really the joke is on them, a 3 year old Inspiron with a wobbly screen is no gem.
- Installed WinPE 2.0 to a flash drive. This is most useful with computers that have no optical drive, or ones that do but no Windows discs are available; when you need to run chkdsk because the machine won't boot, not even in safe mode. Most netbooks don't have optical drives and my desktop didn't for the first 3 months of its life.
- I had a bunch of 1GB flash drives, so I created purposes for a coulpe of them for work. I made an office installer for one of them with both Mac and Windows versions of Office. 2nd drive is Lotus Notes installer for both OS flavors. This means instead of 4 CDs and a printed paper with IP address and CD keys, I know carry 2 flash drives. They also install in a fraction of the time.
- Read World War Z
- The wife drew a picture on the side of my WHS and I' in the process of spray painting it. It'll probably make most color coordinated people vomit but it's fun and I'm trying to do it using only the pain we already have. Pics when it's done.
- This isn't directly related to my video card being gone, but I've started a 2600 meeting in Hilo. First meeting was in October and it wasn't until February that anyone actually showed up, but someone finally did. Now Kevin and I meet with the other regular once a months and show off and talk about different tech stuff. It's fully awesome.
- Today I got an email from the RMA company saying they've shipped my card and it'll be returning on Monday. So the end of productivity is nigh here.
February 28, 2009
January 23, 2009
My sack
- The leader has been this Tenba Gen3 for $172.
- The Tamrac 5549 is in second but it looks like the camera section is camera only, when I'm not carrying the camera I'd like to be able to utilize that space for somethgn else.
- Finally the LowePro CompuRover for $250. This is really geared toward professional photographers, it has a mount for a full size tripod.