It took about 15 minutes. The instructions I found in a forum post said there would be T25 Torx screws. I have T4 - T9 from computer work and a T70 from my Forester. I spent 5 minutes searching for a substitute driver only to find that the car actually takes Philips instead, and not Torx. 2.5 minutes was spent removing the old filter. I spent 5 minutes showing Wife the difference between the old and new filters. The remaining 2.5 minutes went to installing the new filter.
I shook out the floor mats, applied armor-all to the interior, Rain-X externally and glass-cleaner to the interior glass, refilled the window washer fluid (labeled: For Summer use only) and replaced the battery in the fob. I replaced the fuse for the cigarette lighter. I blew the fuse when I accidentally dropped my wedding ring into the power socket and saw a few sparks.