July 2, 2008

I could use any argument I like

His followup:
Hi PrisonIndustry,

Have you had a chance to look at our proposal? When do you think you might be purchasing?
Please let me know.

Thanks for choosing [vendor name]

My response:
Hi Vendor,

I've had a chance to look at it but I'm currently waiting on final approval from my boss. I think it's out of our budget for the time being however. If I get the go ahead I will be in contact with you to order.

His final reply:
Hi PrisonIndustry

Just a suggestion,

You could use the argument, that with the current state of technology, you can’t afford not to.
Thanks for the information.

Since I was asking for a quote for Office licenses for a school, I'd say the current state of technology has nothing to do with it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! I hadn't read that, it's hilarious.